Fictionalized Reality
Think about Mildred's, Mrs. Phelp's and Mrs. Bowles' reality? How is it so warped? Do you see this happening in our reality today? Give examples. Consider the recent popularity of “reality TV shows.”
Describe a few reality shows that you have either watched or heard about.
Why do you think modern audiences are so fascinated by these shows?
To what extent are they “real”?
To what extent are they fictionalized?
Describe a few reality shows that you have either watched or heard about.
Why do you think modern audiences are so fascinated by these shows?
To what extent are they “real”?
To what extent are they fictionalized?
THESE LADIES REALITY IS WARPED BY WHAT THEY WANT TO BELIEVE AND WAHT THEY MAKE REAL TO THEMSELVES. the telescreen, or parlor walls, are what they want to believe so they immerse themselves deeply in this "alternate reality".
I DO BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD TODAY. TO AN EXTENT, WE ONLY SEE WHAT WE WANT AND WHAT IS IN FRONT OF OUR FACES. i do have a lot of faith in our society, however, and i know that if we all strive to look beyond and remember and interpret, that we can't lose ourselves too much ;)
AN EXAMPLE OF GOOD ALTERNATE REALITY IS PLAYING PRETEND AS A LITTLE KID. fairies, elves, the whole 9 yards! who doesn't love to do that?! it teaches kids the difference between this world and their minds. THIS BECOMES BAD WHEN WE FORGET THIS WORLD AND LIVE ENTIRELY IN OUR HEADS.
CMeghan, at 11:16 AM
Hey All!
To be honest, it's becoming unclear to me whether Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Blowles are real. I'm pretty sure that was something Bradbury did on purpose.
It's quite interesting to relate this to reality today. I mean, when you think about it, actors or even characters on TV or in movies are becoming more and more like real people. It's gotten to to the point where audiences end up pretending they're real for the show and carrying it with them after the show/movie has ended. That's where TV/Movies cause problems, because people don't know how to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
Reality TV shows are so incredibley popular because the characters and actors don't seem that far away from real people. The lines don't seem rehearsed and the actions don't seem set up. People are able to relate more easily to that, and unfortunately, get reeled in a lot easier.
RachelP, at 11:16 AM
Let me clarify reality TV or fictionalized reality. These are shows like SURVIVOR, THE BACHELOR, LAGUNA BEACH, THE REAL WORLD...shows that say they are real, but they are not. They are SCRIPTED. Grey's Anantomy is a GREAT show, but it is not a reality tv show and it is not presented like a reality tv show. So Meghan, I agree with you that it is an awesome show that lets you forget your reality and existence for a little while, but it is not Reality TV. Sorry. :(
mmoritz, at 2:05 PM
I think Meghan had a GREAT point when she said the parlor walls were basically an 'alternate reality.' Rachel also made a great point when she said reality TV was so popular because people easily relate to the characters. Also, another good point made by Rachel was that it is hard for people nowadays to distinguish reality from fiction
From what little reality tv i watch, like sometimes Til Death and a whole bunch of other misc. shows, I can see how easy it would be to become drawn into them, especially as a devoted viewer. They are pretty addictive mostly because I guess people feel overwhelmed with their problems and want to see and understand that other people, whether they be real or tv characters, have problems too. Plus they are pretty interesting and sometimes funny.
Lets see...the shows are 'real' because the actors are facing semi-real life problems that most audiences could either relate to or understand could happen. They are 'unreal' because most of the time, the main characters solve the problem by the end of the show and it's a "and they lived happily ever after" story. Unfortunately, these words are not the usual ending to most people's problems.
AlisonB, at 2:25 PM
Their reality was warped by their TVs. The line inbetween became hazy.
Reality shows such as laguna beach and wwe wrestling want you to think they are real, however they are not.
People want these shows to be films of Peoples real life.
They are not real at all
They are totally fictionalized and scripted
Barry Tischler, at 2:32 PM
The womens reality is warped because the tv is their life. They dont have jobs, or atleast I dont think so, and so all day they just sit and watch. I agree with many people who have said that the women are closer to the characters on tv than their own famalies.
I think people think reality shows are so real because the people on them are going through conflicts that everyone can relate too. I mean who hasnt had a friend or relationship problem? Also, there are people portraying the mean girl, or the nice girl, or the jerk etc. When people recognize that those people are similar to the people they interact with they can relate better.
I was actually watching an interesting show on VH1 a while ago on reality tv shows. It pretty much went behind the scenes and talked to the people who made the show. The casting people said that they try to cast a hansome guy, an annoying girl, the girl everyone loves, and the guy everyone hates etc. It was really interesting to hear these people just come out and say that it is all fake, and they coach the contestants/roomates/whatever on what they are supposed to do.
Natalie Jones, at 3:48 PM
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kyle, at 4:02 PM
The ladies realities are controlled by the parlor walls. They are a total distraction from real life. This is the whole point of the TV in the book. It is there to warp people out of reality and into a total fun zone. Today peoples scheduals revolve around TV. Students do their homework at a certain time, or don't do it at all, beacause of a certain show on TV. I personally have to rush to get my homework done before Avs or Broncos games.
Reality TV is all over TV because people actually watch it. The reason reality TV is so popular is because it is made to be addicting. Some shows are addictive while others aren't. The addictive ones are the most poular. None of reality TV is real, because it is all scripted. They are scripted to show thing people don't see every day and things that intrest the average person. In my opinion TV stations should boycott reality TV, because it's just not real.
kyle, at 4:05 PM
The womens reality is compleatly warped due to what their lives revolve around. Their reality is all about being apart of the "family" and isn't really about actual people. It is happening in our reality today because everyone wants to be just like the people in Laguna Beach or in Real World. Everybody wants to be apart of the perfect life and know all of the latest gossip. Modern audiences are attracted to these shows because in some cases we can relate to what is happening and other times we want to be apart of what is happening in the shows.
Liz, at 4:24 PM
I am kind of like Alison and have very little time to watch television, so when I do watch it, it seems hard to grasp the concept that this is not real and everything said comes from a script. Especially when the show is so interesting. The women in this book are so obsessed with the television they forget about their regular lives and devote their time to their "families". I do know some people who will forget the plans that they made to watch and see what happens on this weeks episode of their "reality" show. I mean the last time it was the final rond in Survivor my friend wouldn't come with us just so they could see who "won".
The only reality shows that I know of are all of the shows that Mrs. Moritz listed. I think so many people are drawn into these shows is because they can relate to them in some way, shape, or form. Such as in Laguna Beach when tensions rage between the "friends" people can relate to fights they have gotten into with their friends. They can only be real to the extent of having similar situations that occur in everyday life. But the majority of the shows are fake I mean there is no way that crazy things that go on in Survivor actually occur.
kaytlinr, at 4:37 PM
Reality shows have become so popular because the characters are either someone that the public can relate to OR someone thats life is amazing. But, these shows tend to be more scripted then real. The producers give these people cool things to do so their lives look cooler then they actually are.
Most of the time, these people would never do anything like the things their doing on the show.
Also, they put all these differant steriotypes (the popular one, the nerdy one, the list goes on and on) so that the veiwers can relate to at least one person on the show. Its just a way to hook people on their show. I was watching this show on vh1 and it was talking about all the flaws on reality tv, and it said that many times, the steriotypes that people are given, are often not how they are in real life! Reality shows are not as real as you think.
haleycc, at 4:38 PM
I think that the three ladies make TV way too much of their life. Although I think they mainly see it as entertainment and something to do, it's like they live through the lives of the fake characters on the TV. They don't seem to know the difference between real life and TV's "real" life. It's sad to see that these women see marriage and raising a family as something to do just to pass the time. I was especially surprised at Mrs. Bowles' story about all 12 of her abortions and 2 C-sections and Mrs. Phelps' three marriages. Although I don't think that people are this extreme today, it does seem that society takes the easy way out when confronted with a difficult situation.
Today, TV seems to rule our lives, too, although maybe not to such an extreme degree. I loved kchurchill's TV statistics! They are insane, but so true. People do like sitcoms and soap operas but in the last few years especially society has been hooked on reality shows. I think this is because the people on them are so passionate and extreme whether they're beautiful or talented or doesn't really matter as long as they're over-the-top. I personally find this humorous and entertaining. Another reason people are drawn to reality shows is because the characters are usually placed in some crazy situation that looks fun or at least interesting. Sometimes these scenarios are things we would like to do, so it's like we can relate or at least live our dream through them. I'm not sure about the amount of "scriptedness" that is in reality TV, but I definitely think that editing can twist the show into whatever the producer or director wants it to be in order to get higher ratings.
Rachel K, at 6:25 PM
These three ladies have no reality in their minds. They do as they're told, and they believe that TALKING TO A TV is adequate for staying connected to your "family".
They believe everything they're told, and hve no own opinions and inner sense of themselves. Like on Laguna Beach; many people watch that show and think Oh I should act like that since they are rich and beautfiful and it works for them...they got their own REAL TV SHOW from it!!!! But we all know the truth, that they're honestly acting since a camera is there.
Many young girls (and some boys) are influenced by the media and these reality TV shows. When they see pretty people on TV, they want to be like them too. Hey, when I was little I wanted to be Pochahontas since she got to explore all day or like Francine from Arthur since she had a rebel cause that I was attracted to.
The only difference here is that the three ladies in the book are following what they are told to do, always thinking what others do is right. I just wanted to experiment...come out of my protective shell...unlike these three and their small sheltered world.
KylieYoum, at 7:12 PM
Oh and I just reread what Kristen was saying, and I think she said it PERFECTLY.
These people watch TV shows to escape their own problems....and they see a drunk lady on Real World and think "oh, it's okay, I can do it too since someone on TV is. I'm not alone in this world."
It's something all the companies do, to keep the viewers interested since they have something to watch and learn from.
KylieYoum, at 7:14 PM
CMeghan, at 7:21 PM
I think that the ladies reality is warped in theat they believe that some of the things that the see they cant recognize if it is real or not. Like mhat meghan said some of the things they see on the parlor walls they make themselves believe that they are reality.
I dont normally watch reality TV i try to stick to ESPN however i have watched shows like real world survivor and many other game shows of that sort. I think that to an extent they are real but i would say less than 50% most of what we see is what the producers want us to see to keep us hooked. Especially in the competitions someone is kept around because they are controversial and create drama which may be scripted as well.
Dan E, at 7:23 PM
CMeghan, at 7:27 PM
I am going to quote a line from the 1984 play and say "Reality dosen't exist in the outside world, reality is inside here. Your head." Or something like that. Anyway, reality is different between people. Reality tv is trying to appeal to what they view as a najority's reality. Mildred and her friends have been brainwashed into believeing that the parlor is reality. Much in the same way Winston was brainwashed into believeing 2 and 2 make 5. Because they have nothing else to do, it is repetedly beaten into thier heads that the 'family' is family.
As you can tell I just got back from Run Crew. Does anyone else relate the book or play (1984) to Farenheit 451 (besides the fact that they both deal with challenging the system.
Rachel L, at 7:29 PM
I think alot of people are having great ideas, but I really agree with Kirsten. As far as I know, none of us live in Laugna Beach. And I'm pretty sure none of us are running across the beach screaming STEEEVENN! (kirstin in lauguna) In some ways, shows like these are our alternate realities. We can escape our problems on a personal level and get caught up in someone else's drama that probably won't impact our lives what so ever. Laguna Beach is kind of the fantasy of millions of teenage girls (and boys I'm sure) across the country. Anyone ever heard of the store Hollister? Stores like Hollister are kind of stepping outside the walls of the television and making it some-what reality. It's as close as we can come, as of now.
Kristen also triggered a conversation that we had in history a couple weeks ago. If you watch the national news, or even local, 90% is negative reports. It could be some death count, a developing hurricane, some kind of murderer on the run, etc. I would assume that a good percentage of the population watch then news to feel good about themselves. It's kind of the "no matter how bad my day way, there's always someone worse off than me" feeling. I know I'm guilty of it. I mean the news isn't obviously not a reality tv show, but it does kind of take us out of our element.
Just as one more thing, the next real world is Denver. I was eating at Chillie's with a bunch of my friends on the 16th street mall in july when in walks the entire cast of the show. they sat at the table right behind us. The director was litrally stopping the camera every few minutes and giving the 7 people "tips" on what to say next. So I can tell all of you by personal experience that reality tv is anything but real.
Martha P., at 7:47 PM
Mildred and her friends, are completely obsorbed by what they see on their television. They are so absorbed in it that they take it for truth without question. I do see this happening today as people reference things that happened on their favorite TV shows. They relate a comical situation to something they saw on that '70's show.
I don't really watch reality TV shows but I guess some people have talked about things like the bachelor, which fall under "reality" TV. Although, they depict outrageous situations that would likely never occur in a lifetime.
I think we enjoy these shows so much because they show people who we can relate to who go through incredible and exciting experiences that we envy.
I agree with everyone who said that they are scripted to a degree. I think that they have some real elements yet majority of the show is unrealistic and outlandish.
They are fictionalized incredibly as well as being greatly dramatized. They alter situations and manipulate things to make it more interesting.
Tony J., at 7:49 PM
The reality of Mrs. Montag, Mrs. Phelps, and Mrs. Bowles is definetely altered from actual reality. They believe in the parlor and what it tells them is reality. I think that our society is, in a way, following the same trend as those in the book Fahrenheit 451 . We get together in almost parties just to watch a reality show. Some of us are obsessed about some shows like the Real World, Laguna Beach, Survivor, etc. I think that we are so fasinated with them because they are like our reality but different, kind of like an alternate universe so that's why it is so facinating. But even though they are called "reality" shows, they are far from actual reality. They are mostly scripted and the peole are told what to say and to to make for better TV and ratings. This false reality is what these women think are the actual reality because they live by the parlor.
kayla f, at 7:56 PM
I think Sally is right in realizing the two types of reality TV- People forced together, and one in which the contestants are reaching towards a goal, usually a huge chunk of cash and some bragging rights. They are very different in my opinion. The only kind I can STAND are the contest ones. Like So You Think You Can Dance, that is a great show.
I am guessing modern audiences are fascinated by shows like it because yes I know it has kind of been mentioned but I wouldn't have any point to make if I didnt say it, so anyway audiences can connect with the contestants and can be against some of them and love others, and there is always the randomness of it, the voting people off the show, the hope that the person you are rooting for will make it, and the anger when they don't(everyone heard about it from me when Allison got kicked off, it brings tears to my eyes ahahah no just kidding)Oh and this brings up what Julia was saying, about talking about the characters or contestants as if we actually know the people. We don't, well unless we actually do, but that is rare and I just confused myself. For example, if I saw Allsion somewhere I would be able to have an entire conversation with her, about how she totally shouldn't have been kicked off, and all the other contestants, and the whole time she would be looking at me wondering who the heck I am.
What I am confused about though(apologies if someone has brought this up, but I have not read every post thouroughly), anyway I am confused about WHY Mildred can devote her life to watching the TV, the pointless arguments, the non-plotness of it all, just filling in her lines like she is told to do. We discussed this in class, and I think I said that it reminds me a bit too strongly of Blue's Clues, or Dora the Explorer. That is entertainment for kids maybe up to 6, but how can adults actually believe that they are being talked to, listened to, that if they met the characters on the street they would know who they are.
Basically I think what I just said was that the difference in today's TV and the TV that Bradbury's characters watch is that we have a better perception of what is real and what is not. We know that it is a wide world and the characters have NO IDEA who we are, some faceless viewer of their show, but I am sure that if Mildred or any of the others saw their "family" somewhere, they would fully expect recognition, the amount of time they have spent with each other.
Tina L, at 8:33 PM
Hmmmmm, I'll pick and chose what i want to answer. Modern audiences are so interested by these kinds of shows because they see that other people just like them can be famous and do exiting things. People also find it interesting to see how people like them react to certain situations. They also give the viewer the ilusion that they could do somthing but sit on the couch and do exicting things like the people on the screen. These types of shows are to an extent fictionalized beacuse the events and activities the contestants participate in wouldnt happen in REALITY. In reality no one would offer you a million dollars or an island to live on. The way that they are edited somtimes can effect the original conten of the events.
Laine G, at 8:35 PM
The realities of Mrs. Phelps, Mrs. Bowles, and Mildred are so warped because the message they are being given by their "family" or the television is backward. Their priorities are messed up. They think it is important to get the kids out of the house and never have to deal with them, while I think it is important to spend time with your kids, discipline them, love them, and be a good example. Their reality is so warped because they are so dependent on something so artificial and so deceptive. They no longer understand the meaning or significance of things. I can see this somewhat happening today in the way that technology is so prevelent. Such things like the internet, video games, and television have a growing grip on the society and the minds of people. People are much more addicted and decepted by the shows they constantly watch. Many time people believe or follow the messages they are being given in the technology without verifing or testing what it says. I don't believe our realities are overwhelmingly warped yet. People still have the choice as to how much technology they allow into their minds, and often their is restrictions for young people with technology.
One show that I have heard about in the past is the Bachelor. In this show a man chooses his wife out of 20 or so girls that are chosen to be on the show. The camera follows his decision making until he gets married to the lucky girl. Audiences are so fascinated by this show and others like it because people like to observe problems or drama that is not their own. These shows are fictionalized in that they create drama and problems and read them off of scripts. Their are fake tears and fake smiles. They are real in the fact that they are real people in real places.
Chelsea, at 9:04 PM
Just a little side note... does anyone thing it's ironic that these shows are called REALITY TV, when they couldn't be farther from real? Just thought that was interesting.
Everyone had excelent points. Chelley, I especially liked the point you made about the shows relating to people's common interests. And Kylie, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said:
"Oh I should act like that since they are rich and beautfiful and it works for them...they got their own REAL TV SHOW from it!!!! But we all know the truth, that they're honestly acting since a camera is there."
Our society is so caught up in reading magazines and books, watching reality TV shows and reading "Dear Abby" letters to get advice that they think it will just solve their problems. Paticularly relationship problems. Unfortunately the biggest audience is teens.
Everyone wants to be noticed right? I meanm, everyone gets those butterflies in the stomach and the stars blurring your vision at least once. You see these things on TV or read about them and think, "Omigosh! This is exactly what I'm going through! Maybe I should try that!" You think that just because a certain sappy line worked in a movie it's going to help you.
This makes me think of a story.
I was watching the behind the scenes of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. The sword master, Bob Anderson, wanted a certain thing done between Viggo and the stunt Uruk hai team. (That's Elvish for the good guy vs. the bad guy. lol. jk.) Anyway, the stunt coordinator was like, "Bob, in real life that's not how it would have been done." And Bob just chuckled and went, "Haha my boy, this is the movies!"
I hate to break it to you chaps and chapessess, but life ain't the movies. I think we sometimes forget that. I'm guilty of it, I'll be the first to admit it. But the thing that defines reality from fiction is whether we follow through with it or not, and can correct our own mistakes. Whether we can carve our own path.
So, now that I've had to re-type the word "Whether" sixty million times because me fingers just ain't connectin' to me brain I'm so tired... (Yay for drama! :))I'm going to get some shut eye and see you all mañana.
RachelP, at 9:10 PM
I agree with pretty much everyone. All the ladies are so obsessed with the parlor that it just shows how naive they are. Because of the fact that no one really strives to better themselves they just stay in the parlor because they don't really have to think about anything while they are in there. They do not have to analyze anything. The ladies can also relate to the "family" because they don't really have any problems. For example, Mildred doesn't have much stress in her life because it all revolves around the parlor and her "family". I'm sure that she believes there to be drama and complications involved in the parlor and whatnot, but i doubt it actually exists.
I relate this best to Laguna Beach. This is because most teens really like this show because they can relate to it. Although the show is set up with a bunch of super rich kids who believe they lead tragic lives when they can't go out and party every night of the week, the show actually has some issues that a lot of teens deal with. Whether it be having problems with friends, or boyfriends and girlfriends, or making decissions about how you're going to decide what you do after you graduate high school, teens can relate to this.
By, at 9:05 AM
The three women in F451 world's are wrapped in what they percieve as real in the television. They see how bad life is, and the fact that it is not happening to them makes them belittle it. They laughed at the people who, I think, got bombed out of a car. Or something similar to that. They belittled the fact that a human death affects the world. I'm sorry if that was hard to understand, I am a little lost with the big change in my schedule. Whatever.
Emma Grace, at 8:08 PM
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